Monday, August 31, 2009


Have you noticed that,oddly enough, oddness has developed a certain popularity of late? Think about many of the TV shows that feature a peculiar main character who solves mysteries, medical or legal problems despite or because of his or her "indiosyncrazies".

Also, note the popularity of shows that focus on people's problems such as addiction, OCD and even hoarding. I am sure "Solving Sexual Dysfunctions" is on the drawing boards as I write--to be sponsored by...what else--Viagra! Even some commercials are getting wierd and hard to understand. Must be some subliminal message I am missing,but when I say what was that about you know they are not selling me.

Then there are the wierd and seemingly wacky, but ever popular web sites. Ben Huh owns 20 odd websites--some very odd-- which Time Magazine describes as "..spellbindingly inane blogs..". One is called I Can Has Cheezburger? where people subnit pictures of cats with captions in "kitty pidgin" or misspelled imaginings of cat's inner monologues. Before you LOL know that he has made a seven figure profit on that one alone. His others all seem to have to do with things that went wrong or were dumb. This includes people posting photos that were spoiled by other people inadvertently walking in on them. The question becomes were the pictures true failures or staged for the site so they could be successful failures? Is it even possible to have a sucessful failure? I think Mr. Huh has proven that to be very possible.

The good thing about this trend is that as the "abnormal" becomes more normalized,commonplace and even useful, we can feel better about ourselves and our personal quirkinesses. Similarly, as failing is promoted and laughed at, we can stop the perfectionistic strivings and chuckle at ourselves in the midst of a failure. In so doing, we are having and enjoying a sucessful failure which is undeniably better than an unsucessful one.

I can't tell you how much better I feel. I hope you do too! Odd, isn't it?

Bye For Now,


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Friday, August 28, 2009


From: It's Never too Late...

To Be Fair

We can kid ourselves.
We can justify our actions.
We can deny responsibility.
But in the quietness of our heart.
We know the truth.

Your inner voice will tell you.
Be fair.
It's all about karma.
If you're fair to others....
...things will balance out in the end.

by Patrick Lindsay

Bye For Now,


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Thursday, August 27, 2009


From the Dalai Lama:

Let's use our human intelligence wisely. Otherwise,how are we superior to animals?

Common sense shows that our human life is short-lived and that it is best to make our brief sojourn on this Earth something that is useful to oneself and others.

I think human beings are the superior sentient beings on this planet. Humans have the potential not only to create happy lives for themselves,but also to help other beings. We have a natural creative ability and it it very important to realize this.

Bye For Now,


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Wednesday, August 26, 2009


That city is trying to pass a law that forbids texting while driving. In New York State no cell phone use is allowed without an ear piece.

The results of the research are undeniable. Use of phones while driving is equal to driving drunk. Isn't it time we shut it all down for our own protection?

Remember that not that long ago there was no such thing as a cell phone/texting, etc and we all survived just fine. My best guess is that less than 5% of the calls and texts are urgent and that 80+% are trivial to irrelevant.

Lets be rational and safe and outlaw phone use abuse. Your kids life may be at stake!

Bye For Now,


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Tuesday, August 25, 2009


A recent Time Magazine feature story says that exercise does not facilitate weight loss. The basic problem is exercise makes us hungry so we eat more after to reward ourself.

It does say exercise helps with cognitive functioning and overall health goals. Those who exercise are less likely to have serious medical or mental problems. Sad to say this is not always true, but there are 30-40% statistical advantages.

However, though the pain of exersise doesn't feel good, the post high feels great.For that alone I reccommend it wholeheartedly and practice it religously.

Just don't go to Dunkin Donuts after. There are many low calorie options that feed the beast within, without feeding the belly.

Moreover, the "stress management" component of exercise is undeniable. This is most important during these most challenging times.

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Monday, August 24, 2009


So I have to the conclusion that it is up to us to cut through the impersonal and continue to reach out in more personal ways.

It is up to us to stop checking the emails, voice mails, tweets, texts,etc and just shut down our "connectedness" to pursue our connectedness.

Let's view the net as a springboard for personal interactions rather than an efficent way to avoid them. Efficientcy has its place. So does warmth, a genuine smile and a face to face meeting. Text "I love you" all you want. Say it in person twice as often.

Bye For Now,


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Friday, August 21, 2009


It's never to late to:


Look at nature.
Nothing stays the same.
Why should you?
Use change wisely.
Like a sporting champion,change a losing game.
Keep the things that matter.
Lose the things that don't.
Set some goals.
Start afresh.

From "It's Never Too Late..." by patrick lindsay

Bye For Now,


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Thursday, August 20, 2009


After rereading the previous blog on this topic, I wondered if human interaction and face to face contact are necessary and if so why. I know speaking personally that when I have been by myself, 24/7 I have been less than happy. Having others around and interacting with them seems to fill a primary human need. Lonliness is a major cause of depression.

Think about the fact that isolation and solitary confinement are punishments for prisoners. Babies left unattended in orphanages suffer serious damage to their psyches. For most, continuous solitude can cause a decompensation that threatens the minds ability to remain stable. It seems a most natural behavior to seek out others for contact and communication ( except for some in the park in which I walk!).

But here is an interesting twist to the tale. Many find old friends on Face Book,My Space or whatever and then meet up with them in person. These reunions would not likely have happened if not facilitated by the internet. So, sometimes the impersonal leads to personal. That is a very healthy and positive outcome. I hope you enjoy that experience.

Bye For Now,


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Wednesday, August 19, 2009


If ever you doubt our economy or our country go directly to a Bed, Bath and Beyond store. Wander the aisles. You don't have to buy anything although you will be tempted. Let your eyes look from bottom to top or vice versa at all the amazing stuff available to you--all at reasonable prices.

Nowhere in the world can one find such diversity of available products at your finger tips. There is something to be said for a "brick and mortar" store. BB&B is a symbol of our strength.

Perhaps we have made a few missteps. Undeniably, greed temporarily replaced reason and rationality. At its weakest, America is the strongest country in the world. Don't believe me? Just go to BB&B, The Apple Store, Macys and a host of others that reflect our muscle.

It may take longer than we like,but America will find its way back to economic stability and growth. Mark my words. At that time the shelves of BB&B will be fuller than ever.

Bye For Now,


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Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I have read many articles that say we are in times in which anything and everything is negotiable. They say that even in department stores one has haggle possibilities.

I have never been comfortable in that mode. I imagine many of you are not either. However, I think now more than ever we need to try. Worst they can say is no.

Who said this blog is not about the economy? Go for the best price you can get. Let me know when you succeed.

Bye For Now,


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Monday, August 17, 2009


I hope you enjoyed some "face time" with other people this weekend.

Certainly, the world of work has been dramatically affected by the internet. In the old days, resumes were hand carried or mailed whereas now thay are emailed. There was always a letter responding to a resume even if it was a polite, "not suited to the job..." reply. Interviews were always face to face whereas now the first few are by phone for reasons I don't fully understand since the interviewer time is the same whether it is a phone or in person visit.

Training and orientation were always classroom based, whereas now the internet and DVD's dominate. In addition, computer literacy was not a prerequisite for any job whereas now it is hard to think of one where that is not required. Communications were in the form of memos, phone contacts and meetings whereas now the internet and intranet dominate. Finally, presentations were handlettered on "flip charts" and done face to face, whereas now there is Power Point and the possibility of cyber meetings--some with video conferencing-- engaging people who can literally be sitting all over the world.

From an efficiency point of view it is all a many splendid thing. From a humanistic point of view it all seems to lose something as we go from face to face to seclusion. Just ask anyone who works from home in their boxers or nighgown. It can be the best of worlds as well as the worst. The lesson we learn is that for everything positive there is a cost and a consequence. That is the ying and yang of our lives. The question that remains is how far will all this go and how remote and secluded will people feel in the year 2025 and beyond? I guess by then there will be virtual therapists readily available to salve your wounded minds in a matter of minutes.

More on this tommorow.

Bye For Now,


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Friday, August 14, 2009


Thinking about my park experiences last week let me to focus on how different our world is from the one in which I grew up. The 50' thru the 80's were highly personal and people based. Interaction dominated our culture in every way. Person to person contact was essential.

The virtual society that has been created lessens those contacts in almost every way. Richard Corliss, Time Magazine movie reviewer, speaking about Netflix,but quickly generalizing to our world recently said, " ....the lack of human interaction is the big problem with Netflix and its ciber-ilk. Thanks to the internet,we can now do nearly everything--working, shopping,movie-going,social networking,having sex--on one machine at home. We're becoming a society of shut-ins. We deprive ourselves of exercise...And we deny ourselves the random epiphanies of human contact." (8/10/09 p. 63)

As you travel through your weekend observe your social patterns. As you text and twitter away or check your face book postings or email enjoy all the efficient benefits and mourn all the lost human to human contact, so important to nourishing our psyches and our souls.

More on this subject next week.

Bye For Now,


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Thursday, August 13, 2009


So I followed my own advice from yesterdays blog. I said hello to everyone who walked by me who didn't look as far away from me as possible. I termed those folks, "elevator rider walkers".

The responses from the rest of the people varied. There are "grunters", "head noders","thumbs uppers" and "groaners." There are also a minority who say, "Good Morning" or "Hello/Hi".

The winner was a tall African American man who said hello to me first. When I said, "Hi, How are you today?" he said, "Doing Great Thank you. How are you doing?" He must be from Georgia or California(if you don't get that you didn't read yesterdays blog).

The cool thing was that nomatter what the response I felt good trying to reach out and be friendly. I chose not to take nonresponses personally. There is definitely something to be said for trying to be a little friendlier in our standoffish community.

Try it and you might just like it and the responses you receive. Spread the work, "HELLO" and pass it on. Who knows what might come of it? We might start a whole new trend! F'in A right! (if you don't get that you didn't read Tuesdays blog). Get with the program people. HELLO!

Bye For Now,


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Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Not all walks in the park are the same. Not all parks are the same. The one thing that is strange in my park here is that few people passing by the other way say hello, good morning or any other greeting. I told you yesterday what the basketballers were saying, but they weren't talking to me.

When I first starting walking there many years ago, I would say good morning or hello or something. I stopped when I noticed it made others feel uncomfortable. A small proportion responded, but many just walked on by. I started to feel as if I was viewed as a pervert for just saying good morning. Now I wait to see if the passer-by looks my way and says anything. If they do I respond. If not, I just walk on by. I guess that is how "pass on byers" are born.

This is a sad commentary on South Floridians. I don't know why we are so unfriendly,but this phenonmena is undeniable in a variety of settings.

It doesn't happen when I walk in the park in Georgia or California. Total strangers say, "Good Morning, Beautify Day, Have a Good Walk, Great Day to be Outside," etc. Sometimes, one person says all that.

We could take a lesson from their playbook. In fact, I will.I hope you have a great day. Try saying hello to a stranger and see if you can start a social virus of friendly interaction. I will do the same today and report back. Let me know what happens as well.

Bye For Now,


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Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I walked in the park Saturday morning. I passed by a group that had just finished playing basketball on a hot morning. They were sitting around shooting the shit instead of a ball. They were all thirty something by appearance and were represented by African Americans, Hispanic Americans and Caucasion Americans.

Every third word was "Fuckin". It is just amazing how many words ahead of which that word works! It may actually work in front of every noun(i.e.,shirt,shot,shit,sweat...). Well, you get the idea. As there were no young ones around,it was all harmless banter. To my ears it sounded a bit adolescent,but hey maybe I'm just an old fart!

The funny thing is that very afternoon I read about a research study in England where they found that explicatives and especially the F word helps people cope with pain better. They also found that it helped women more than men. The explanataion for that was hypothesized to be that men use the word in everyday circles much more than women and thereby desensitize its pain relieving effects.

Tell you what. You tell the basketball guys at the park!

Bye For Now,


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Monday, August 10, 2009


I was really schocked to learn that cocaine and pain pills were found in the autopsy of Billy Mays. Clearly, the liklihood is that these contributed to the heart attack he had at a relatively young age.

Though not much surprises me anymore, I believe I reacted that way because of his squeaky clean, down home, American pie image. It was that very Mr. Congeniality cool along with his loud, strong and enthused voice that sold a variety of products in several different, but market related ways. He so sold me on his image that I would have never guessed he abused drugs. You just never know.

Here is a man who had everything to live for, but left it all for what appear to be glopful addictions. Pain,no doubt contributed as it always does, but you don't do coke for pain. And, there are a variety of pain management tools other than pills. Our Tranquility/Pain Management Center offers many alternatives as do a host of available programs.

Denial keeps the glop flowing in all of us. We all believe it won't happen to us.Believe me when I say if it happened to Billy, it can happen to anyone. Let the user beware and get help before it takes you down. Addiction is a powerful and progressive disease. Oxiclean-up your act if you are doing Oxycodone or the equivilent,before you end up,like him, in the dirt!

I feel really sad for this family.

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Friday, August 7, 2009


We sang a song--a round--which went:

Make New Friends
But Keep the Old
One is Silver
And the Other Gold.

Lately, I have pursued reunions with old friends and colleagues. It feels good on many levels. Though I am not yet that technologically advanced, it is easier than ever with Face Book, etc.

So here is a quote from "It's Never Too Late," by Patrick Lindsay:

It's never too late --
To find old friends
They're like gems.
Links to our past.
Anchors in a storm.
They bring solidity.
A chance for reflection.
A link in our life chain.
A continuum.

Think about it.

Bye For Now,


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Thursday, August 6, 2009


I never approached my blog without an idea in mind. I decided to live dangerously,shoot from the hip and see what happens. OMG it feels so out of control!!!

But I have changed alot in the last two years. It has been a concerted effort to not be robotized by my habits. I have worked to build choices into my life instead of routines. I have come to believe that it is important that we have multiple choices for significant behaviors and "all of the above" is not acceptable.

I encourage you to be a self-observer and see where and when you just fall into habituated behaviors that aren't healthy or self-enhancing. Then I would ask you to challenge yourself to try to do it differently and move toward healthier choices. It won't come easy or natural. If you stay with it it eventually will.

There is much reward to modifying, especially when we replace reflex, knee jerk,jerky behavior with that which is pride worthy. Try it. You might just like it.
I know I do. The payoff is in the altered pudding. Relinquishing control to gain control is a worthwhile effort--most especially when we move ourselves from dangerous to safer space.

Bye For Now,


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Wednesday, August 5, 2009


OK. So this is the last in the perseverance series-- at least for a while. As you know, I view it as a character trait up there with integrity, loyalty and honor.
Then again there is a fine line between persisting with perseverance and being pesty about it!

Sunday morning I decided to walk in the park. By 3/4 around the first time it was blisteringly hot--90+ according to my car thermometer at 10:30AM. It felt as if I was walking through a long, oval pizza oven.

The sweat had formed several layers on my skin. I could have shaved without cream. My shirt looked as if someone sprayed me with water. Someone could have water skied on my brow. I was dripping perspiration in pores that hadn't opened in years.

Much of my mind said, "Give it up! Go back to your car and have a cold drink and then head home." The more stubborn/persistent part of me prevailed. "Look at the guys playing soccer or even full court basketball. Look at the guys playing baseball in their jerseys and heavy wool sleeves," it said. That part of me pushed me to continue. Of course, that part of my mind forgot they were half or less my age.

Continue I did. That's perseverance!

Whether it is in the park or in other areas of your life I encourage you to keep pushing yourself to rise to the challenge and continue. I survived. The liklihood is you will too. It feels so good when we do. GO GALS, GO GUYS!

Bye For Now,


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Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Nowhere is perseverance more critical than when it comes to relationships. It is so easy for things to go off track,wear down and implode. I speak here about family/collegial relationships and partnerships.

The strange and intriquing thing is that when it comes to work people have almost a natural tendency to persevere. We manage to overcome boredom,awful bossy bosses,inequities,annoying coworkers and difficult environmental conditions. Our persevering mindset allows us to overcome no matter what.

When it comes to relationships we have evolved into a disposable society.It doesn't feel good so I shall move on, stop talking, divorce, etc. Certainly there are some situations where that is most appropriate. Many times, however, there are more immediate and positive remedies and choices.

Having a relationship with anyone is not so easy for more than a weekend. Often it takes perseverance and patience to sustain a meaningful interaction. I encourage you to see it like that and not be too quick to sever all ties and abandon ship. Try your hardest to stay with the RELATION SHIP and help navigate it to calmer waters. Seek professional help sooner than later.

Bail if you have to, but try your best to find ways to accomodate and accept a less than perfect situation. When it comes to human interaction there is rarely a perfect situation. And according to some, we all pick partners who are least able to fulfill us in our most important need areas. Therein lies a street called compromise and an avenue called accomodation. Persevere when you can. There is something to be said for longevity. That comes from a man married 45+ years. It isn't always easy, but it is usually worth it. Perseverance pays!

Bye For Now,


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Monday, August 3, 2009


A recent article said that the average American is 23 pounds overweight. Truth be told I am painfully "average". Last week I made a committment to lose 25 pounds over the next 4-6 months. Historically, once I adopt that mindset I usually succeed. I can become just as "addicted" to healthy as to unhealthy. Unhealthy is just much more fun!

Anyone who has ever tried to move the numbers on the scale back a few notches knows that perseverance is key. It is, oh so easy, to start a diet on Monday (never on Friday night) and leave it by Tuesday or Wednesday. Yet, as we have discussed in other areas, perseverance pays dividends when it comes to losing weight and getting back in shape.

From a physical and mental health point of view, the rewards are multiple. Last I went on a regimen, the tee shirt I wore said, NOTHING TASTES AS GOOD AS THIN FEELS! My hope and desire is to wear that again and go from Large to Medium. I encourage you to join me by persevering in this pursuit.

Average is something I never aspired to be. I'm sure the same is true for you!

Bye For Now,


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