Friday, September 18, 2009


Tonight begins the holiest period in the Jewish Religion that celebrates the New Year. Commemorates is probably a better term as it is not a celebration akin to New Years eve. In fact, Yom Kippur-the day of atonement-is a fast of 24 hours and for those who are religious and even some that typically are not, an all day temple service. People are supposed to go to water to cast away their sins of the previous year. Fortunately for me I have nothing to cast away.

What is interesting is the similarities between religions. All deal with good and evil issues and ways to be forgiven for the bad and encouraged toward the light of the good. From early on--Adam and Eve time-- until right this moment the battle for people to behave positively has raged on unabated. This is why the Dalai Lama in yesterday's blog encouraged us to distinquish ourselves from animals.

My simple minded formula on this subject is that we all have within us a "pride bank" and a "shame and blame account." The goal of healthy, happy, comfortable living is to fill the former and prevent entries into the latter. Not complicated,but not always easy,but doable.

I wish everyone, whatever your religious affiliation, health, peace of mind and a year filled with pride bank deposits every day.

Bye For Now,


954 475 1371 x 1
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Thursday, September 17, 2009


Continuing the theme of this week's blogs the Dalai Lama said

Common sense shows that human life is short-lived
and that it is best to make of our brief soujourn
on this earth something that is useful to oneself and others.

Let's use our human intelligence wisely. Otherwise,how are we
superior to animals.

Satisfaction is characterized by inner peace.It arises from
generosity,honesty and what I call ethical conduct,that is,
a way of behaving that respects the right of others to

By For Now,


954 475 1371 x 1
561 361 1898 x 1

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


On Monday I spoke about my simple life formula where Showing Up was step one. That is not an original thought. I believe it was Woody Allen who said, "80% of success is showing up." I recently scanned a book written by Bill Gates' father called Showing Up For Life. It is a good, quick, simple, downhome read.

At the end he quotes a letter from a friend who was dying that is worth repeating here.

Life is the ultimate teacher, but it is usually
through experience and not scientific research
that we discover its deeper lessons. We are all
here for a single purpose: to grow in wisdom and
learn to love. We can do this through losing as
well as through winning,by having and by not having,
by succeeding or by failing. All we need to do is
to show up openhearted for class...So fulfilling
life's purpose may depend more on how we play than
what we are dealt. You have to be present to win.

Bye For Now,


954 475 1371 x 1
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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Blog is Moving

As of today cope with the economy blog has moved to Please continue to follow us at our new name and address.


We who have arrived in this world are among the blessed.When you think about it the odds of any of us actually being born are lotto like--actually power ball lotto like. Though we may have some hard times when we wish we were never born,the reality is we were all given the gift of experiencing personhood and the joys and sorrows of living.

Being born is really an opportunity to be and to grow--to give and to receive.

It is important that we use our opportunities wisely and protect ourselves from imploding. Learning lessons from our life experiences and not falling into addictive traps of one form or another are critically important.

We arrive and if we live long enough leave in a helpless and weakened state of mind and body. What we do with our time in between is what counts.

I hope, despite these difficult times, you can rise to the challenge by loving, achieving, enjoying and finding peace of mind. Best as I can tell those are the important signposts on our journey.

Bye For Now,


954 475 1371 x 1
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Monday, September 14, 2009



I was recently talking to a young person whose engine seemed to be stuck in neutral.

I said, success in life is not complicated,but it demands effort and discipline. Whether it be school, work, a significant relationship, playing a sport or taking up a hobby it demands:


I guarantee that this formula will work for you and think that it probably has many times in your life. So if your tank is empty and your motor not moving you forward, try these steps and you will be on your way again.

Bye For Now,


954 475 1371 x 1
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Friday, September 11, 2009


This famous rallying cry by Bill Clinton is still relevant. Even though I am switching to I still reserve the right to speak of issues financial.

As you may recall I started this blog searching for realistic optomism in our efforts to cope with the economy.

Let me be clear. Reality suggests we are a long way from being over with what came as close to a '29 depression as we have seen. Optomism suggests there is a spike in people's confidence based on some indicators, including the stock market and the governments support of significant institutions.

We aren't as paniced as we were. Many are reporting improved sales though quite a few are still struggling. Confidence and optomism are positive and need to continue.

Let us not forget those unemployed, those who have had to walk away from homes, those who have no medical insurance and who can't afford their prescriptions,let alone doctor copays. Too many people are struggling badly for us to assume all is well and the worst is over. The stock market may look forward (and sometimes is wrong), but we must look at the reality of the now and be careful not to repeat the mistakes we have made. Cautious, conservative optomism still seems the best strategy. The celebrations may be a ways off. Let us never forget those who have or are suffering. Especially today!

Bye For Now,


954 475 1371 x 1
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changing to on 9/14

Thursday, September 10, 2009


There was a program on TV tonight about the Beatles.

What struck me beyond their music was their success. They began as youngsters with a dream. They ended up becoming everyone's dream.

Their iconic status can be an inspiration for us all. Clearly, they were talented,maybe even creative geniuses in the music field. But it all came together for them at the right time in the right way. I remember seeing them for the first time on the Ed Sullivan Show. They were instantly loveable and Paul was,admittedly adorable--probably still seen that way among the older set.

The really cool thing about life is that tomorrow or next month or year may be your "Beatles" bustout. Don't stop. NEVER GIVE UP! Keep on truckin. We never know who's turn is next. So many of their hits fit right here. You fill in the blank__________. How about, "Get Back to Where You Once Belonged?" I chose it because it is playing right now. It applies to many who have sufferred serious hardship as a result of the economy.

Bye For Now,


954 475 1371 x 1
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becoming Mindly on 9/14/09

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Almost all parents sang "where is thumbkin?" to their kids on a regular basis.

Clearly, given the popularity of texting, we were unwittingly giving them directions for a whole new world order. Who knew? Thumb away kiddies! Thumbs up!

Bye For Now

954 475 1371 x 1
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changing to next Monday

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


The prettiest part of our beautiful mind is its ability to change course midstream.

So after being bombarded by emails that basically say, "WTF does your blog have to do with coping with economic issues,I am am finally changing. Despite explaining myself more than once, I give! UNCLE!

As of next Monday, the name of my blog will be the name of a column I wrote years ago for a local newspapaer--MINDLY MATTERS.

You can still reach here via but the new title is more relevant. Thanks to those of you who kept pushing me in this direction.

Bye For Now,

954 475 1371 x 1
561 361 1898 x 1

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Friday, September 4, 2009


Many years ago I was trying to help a man with his anger issues. They revolved mostly around his road rage. All of our talk and my rational appeals seemed to fall on hard of hearing ears. Actually, he heard me loud and clear,but his behavior remained unchanged. He would do the usual stuff--chase after those who cut him off, curse and scream at offending drivers and even a few "put up your dukes" scenes. You don't want to know what he said about older drivers. Good I was young then.

Sometimes life offers built in cures aka serendipity. One day he was at the airport waiting for a parking spot,signal blinking. The car pulled out and a pick up truck pulled around the corner and right into the spot totally ignoring my guy. He jumped out of his car with red faced rage, righteous indignation and explicatives flying.

The guy in the pick up calmly pointed a 357 Magnum in my guy's face and said, "Do you really want to have this fight? "No sir," my guy politely said as he backed away and drove off as fast as possible. He was cured on the spot. He came in and told me the story and never returned to road rage or my office. I would like to think that our talks seeded his awakening as the gun certainly validated my appeals.

The moral of the story is as I said yesterday, "So better not to know them and just pass on by."

Bye For Now,


954 475 1371 x 1
561 361 1898 x 1

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Thursday, September 3, 2009


Someone recently told me that someone told him about these simple words when feeling enraged by bad drivers, rude people, those who are selfish,inconsiderate and greedy:



Sometimes the simplest thoughts can be the most powerful.

Bye For Now,


954 475 1371 x 1
561 361 1898 x 1

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Wednesday, September 2, 2009


In 1982 I went to West Africa for a ten day adventure studying alternative medicine,healers,herbalists and the like. It was quite amazing in all respects. When I returned I had completely lost my taste for meat. Prior to the trip I ate all forms regularly. As soon as it ended the thought of a steak, hamburger,veal chop or lamb was enough to make me lose my appetite. I was like a pregnant woman. I have been like that ever since.

I never knew why it happened. This was not animal country and I am not an animal activist, nor a vegan. I didn't have a bad experience on the trip with meat,though we ate mostly fish as we were on the coast. I simply assumed a voodoo priest did it to save my heart.

Paradoxically, I could, on rare occasion, have a piece of bacon, salami or hot dog,but generally speaking I would only eat fish or chicken. Until yesterday. Last week out in California I had lunch with the man who led the African trip. For reasons unknown, later that day I had the thought that not eating meat was just a state of mind over meaty matter. Ever the student of behavioral change I tucked the idea away for future consideration.

Last night my wife ordered a Char Hut burger, while I ordered a grilled tuna salad. However, when my wife walked away from the table I was seized by a compulsive feeling and immediately took a bite of her burger. When she returned to the table she kiddingly inquired as to whether I took any of her fries. I said, "No, but I had a bite of your burger." She said, "No you didn't." I said, "Yes I did" and proceeded to take another bite and then told her about my thoughts in California.

I cant say that I loved it and am jonesing for another, but I didn't get sick or nauseated either. Actually, it tasted alot like chicken!

Maybe, I'm not pregnant anymore? Maybe,the voodoo priest who put the "hold the meat" spell, took it off for good behavior over 27 years? Or maybe,just maybe, it was all in my mind to begin with. Who said you can't teach an old dog new tricks? Ruff Ruff--keep your mind open to change. It can happen anytime, even after years of doing something a certain way. Just ask any person who used to smoke,drug,gamble,etc. They will be quick to say, you can change your ways if you want to or if forces just combine to make that happen as was the case in my case. That is why I always say, NEVER,NEVER NEVER GIVE UP!!!

Maybe,next she orders a steak I will give it a try. Becha it tastes alot like chicken--everything does you know!

Bye For Now,


954 475 1371 x 1
561 361 1898 x 1

check 3/17 blog to know our goals

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Clearly, I have been put on the,"Desperate for Cash" list. Last week, and I kid you not, I received nine emails wanting to share millions of dollars with me. Yusef Ahmed wants to give me 40% of 10.5 million--a transaction which is "100% risky free".

Mr Phil Herald credited my email address with $891,934.00 and Michael Smith told me in confidence that I have 1,000,000.00 GBP from the MONDAY GROUP. I must, "confirm this receipt by replying the due process unit officer."

Now folks, the first thing I want to say is that if you want to scam me you really need to know English.As soon as I see those misspellings and gramatical goulosh I am onto you like butter on bread. All the Bank of America look alike emails that say there is a problem with your account so provide us with the following info so we can fix it are easy to spot because of their mistakes. Also, if you want me to bite on a million,you need to tell me whether GBP is a Great Britain Pound or a Grab Bag of Piss! Also guys, no more "risky free" nonsense. If I am going to get a bundle of money I need to know that the risk is there or else how can I believe you're really going to pony up. Finally, you need to provide a reason you want to share this huge sum with me. I might just bite if you told me that "I want to share this with you and you alone Dr. Penzer, as a reward for your brilliance ( but you gotta spell it correctly!). "Handsome and brilliant" and I'm all in baby!

On a more serious note beware of scammers. As the internet becomes more advanced they will multiply and become even more creative. The scarry thing is that obviously people do get sucked into these seemingly ridiculous offers, for if they didn't I wouldn't be receiving so many emails all dealing with the same thing.

By the way, please take me off the "Desperate for Cash" list. It is true that my practice is a little bit slow this summer, but as my grandma would say, "I am fortunate. I have what to eat!"

Bye For Now,


954 475 1371 x 1
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